1. Open the "Backgrounds" folder on your desktop
2. Notice that there is already a screen with just the photo button. It is not being recognized because Social Booth only reads the file which named exactly "BG-Start_small"
3. Drag the "BG-Start_small" file with the photo and video icon to your desktop. Don't delete it, because you might want to use it later.
4. Rename "BG-Start_small_two" to "BG-Start_small" Please double check that this is the exact title. It needs to be capitalized exactly the same way.
4. It should now look like this:
5. Open Social Booth. We are going to rearrange some settings so please make sure you make a new event name and press "SAVE EVENT" in order to safely store your current settings. This is crucial in case you ever want to easily revert back.
6. Go to the "VIDEO" tab and disable video
7. Go to the "DISPLAY" tab and change the photo button settings to:
Width = 1900
Height = 900
Top = 1
Left = 1
8. Once you hit save and start the photo button will now be as large as the rectangle below and it should now just show the "Photo" button!