This problem stems from incorrect camera settings. Unplug the camera from the USB Hub and ensure that all of the settings are correct. The camera should be set to "ON" and not "Video." The camera should be programmed to the settings below. The "Av" or "Shutter Speed" is normally the cause of the error. The shutter speed will sometimes show as BULB or 25"/30" which means that the camera is exposing for an indefinite amount of time, 25 seconds, or 30 seconds, respectively. 

Camera Settings – Make sure the camera is set to Manual
Lens – 24MM – AF on (Autofocus) – IS off (Image Stabilization)
Distance – 72″ away from backdrop

Av: 9.0 – 11.0 (Depending on distance from backdrop, ceiling height, etc.)
Exp: M
ISO: 400
Size/Quality: Medium/fine or Small/fine
White Balance: Shade (You can play with this to see what kind of color you like, I prefer Shade)
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Drive Mode: Single Shot
Picture Style: Neutral
Tv/Shutter Speed: 1/200