This guide was made courtesy of Sitou Gilles, a fellow PBSCO owner. You can find the full guide here: Below is a condensed and more concise version of it.
Set up on booth
2) Download the GIF script:
3) Install AutoHotKey
4) Extract
5) Open the newly extracted folder
6) Copy photobooth_animated_GIF_DslrRemote.ahk to the desktop
7) Edit photobooth_animated_GIF_DslrRemote.ahk to your taste - Right-click it and open it in a text editor. I only changed the location of the saved GIF to my Desktop (C:\Users\admin\Desktop\NewPhotos\GIF)
8) Start doing GIFs by double clicking photobooth_animated_GIF_DslrRemote.ahk - If doing this opens up your text editor, then right-click the file, choose "open with", then select AutoHotKey
OPTIONAL: In Photobooth Settings, set "Image preview time" and "Delay before taking remaining" to zero. That way the camera will take all the pictures fairly quick
The rest of the set up is up to you and might depend on the event. Keep reading to know how I did the rest
Note: Starting the photo sequence will generate GIF, to stop this double click photobooth_animated_GIF_DslrRemote.ahk and confirm you want to end creating GIFs